- DIF stands for Droit Individuel à la Formation (French: Individual Right to Training)
- DIF stands for Difference
- DIF stands for Deposit Insurance Fund (US FDIC)
- DIF stands for Differential Item Functioning
- DIF stands for Desarrollo Integral de La Familia (Mexico)
- DIF stands for Directory Interchange Format
- DIF stands for Danmarks Idræts-Forbund (Denmark)
- DIF stands for Deutsches Filminstitut (German Film Institute)
- DIF stands for Die in Fire
- DIF stands for Data Integrity Field
- DIF stands for Data Interchange Format
- DIF stands for Decimation in Frequency (algorithm)
- DIF stands for Dublin Irish Festival (Dublin, OH)
- DIF stands for Direct Immunofluorescence
- DIF stands for Document Interchange Format
- DIF stands for Display Interface
- DIF stands for Destroy in Field (retail)
- DIF stands for Development Impact Fee (public finance)
- DIF stands for District Improvement Financing
- DIF stands for Dorsal-Related Immunity Factor (genetics)
- DIF stands for Directory Interoperability Forum (IBM, Lotus, Novell, Oracle, et al)
- DIF stands for Data Integration Framework (information management)
- DIF stands for Delaware Innovation Fund (est. 1995)
- DIF stands for Death in Family
- DIF stands for Discriminant Index Function
- DIF stands for Drug Information Fulltext (database)
- DIF stands for Djurgårdens Idrottsförening (Swedish soccer and ice hockey club)
- DIF stands for Djurgårdens Idrottsförening (Swedish sport team)
- DIF stands for Difficulty, Importance, Frequency (performance assessment)
- DIF stands for Discovery Informatics Framework
- DIF stands for Diabetes Institutes Foundation (Norfolk, VA)
- DIF stands for Drill-In Fluids
- DIF stands for Display Information Facility (IBM, S/38)
- DIF stands for Digital Interface Frame
- DIF stands for Differential White Blood Cell Count
- DIF stands for Discriminant Inventory Function (IRS)
- DIF stands for Data Interface Format
- DIF stands for Dear Little Friend (fictional, Prince Caspian -Trumpkin the dwarf)
- DIF stands for Data Interchange Facility
- DIF stands for Direct Immune Fluorescence
- DIF stands for Developmental Integration Facility
- DIF stands for Deterministic, Irreducible Finite-State (transition diagram)
- DIF stands for Diagnostic Importance Factor
- DIF stands for DMERC (Durable Medical Equipment Regional Carrier) Information Form (Medicare billing)