1. DIF stands for Droit Individuel à la Formation (French: Individual Right to Training)
  2. DIF stands for Difference
  3. DIF stands for Deposit Insurance Fund (US FDIC)
  4. DIF stands for Differential Item Functioning
  5. DIF stands for Desarrollo Integral de La Familia (Mexico)
  6. DIF stands for Directory Interchange Format
  7. DIF stands for Danmarks Idræts-Forbund (Denmark)
  8. DIF stands for Deutsches Filminstitut (German Film Institute)
  9. DIF stands for Die in Fire
  10. DIF stands for Data Integrity Field
  11. DIF stands for Data Interchange Format
  12. DIF stands for Decimation in Frequency (algorithm)
  13. DIF stands for Dublin Irish Festival (Dublin, OH)
  14. DIF stands for Direct Immunofluorescence
  15. DIF stands for Document Interchange Format
  16. DIF stands for Display Interface
  17. DIF stands for Destroy in Field (retail)
  18. DIF stands for Development Impact Fee (public finance)
  19. DIF stands for District Improvement Financing
  20. DIF stands for Dorsal-Related Immunity Factor (genetics)
  21. DIF stands for Directory Interoperability Forum (IBM, Lotus, Novell, Oracle, et al)
  22. DIF stands for Data Integration Framework (information management)
  23. DIF stands for Delaware Innovation Fund (est. 1995)
  24. DIF stands for Death in Family
  25. DIF stands for Discriminant Index Function
  26. DIF stands for Drug Information Fulltext (database)
  27. DIF stands for Djurgårdens Idrottsförening (Swedish soccer and ice hockey club)
  28. DIF stands for Djurgårdens Idrottsförening (Swedish sport team)
  29. DIF stands for Difficulty, Importance, Frequency (performance assessment)
  30. DIF stands for Discovery Informatics Framework
  31. DIF stands for Diabetes Institutes Foundation (Norfolk, VA)
  32. DIF stands for Drill-In Fluids
  33. DIF stands for Display Information Facility (IBM, S/38)
  34. DIF stands for Digital Interface Frame
  35. DIF stands for Differential White Blood Cell Count
  36. DIF stands for Discriminant Inventory Function (IRS)
  37. DIF stands for Data Interface Format
  38. DIF stands for Dear Little Friend (fictional, Prince Caspian -Trumpkin the dwarf)
  39. DIF stands for Data Interchange Facility
  40. DIF stands for Direct Immune Fluorescence
  41. DIF stands for Developmental Integration Facility
  42. DIF stands for Deterministic, Irreducible Finite-State (transition diagram)
  43. DIF stands for Diagnostic Importance Factor
  44. DIF stands for DMERC (Durable Medical Equipment Regional Carrier) Information Form (Medicare billing)

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