Government & Military

Local, National And International Governments, Military, Defence, Defence Industry, Weapons Systems, FBI, FDA, Military, NASA, Police, State & Local, Suppliers, Transportation, UN, US Gov.


DCDEP stands for Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Planning (Norway)


DCDPW stands for District of Columbia Department of Public Works DCDPW stands for Delaware County Department of Public Works (New York) DCDPW stands for Dutchess County Department of Public Works (New York)


DCECPC stands for Douglas County Early Childhood Planning Coalition (Oregon)


DCEHO stands for Deputy Chief Environmental Health Officer (United Kingdom)


DCF stands for Department of Children and Families (various US states) DCF stands for Discounted Cash Flow DCF stands for Distributed Coordination Function DCF stands for DRM (Digital Rights Management) Content Format DCF stands for Design rule for Camera File system (JEITA) DCF stands for Dansk Cyklist Forbund DCF stands for Dirigeants Commerciaux de France […]


DCDG stands for DCDG (not an acronym; formerly Dot Com Design Group; Bellingham, WA) DCDG stands for Dub City Derby Girls (roller derby club) DCDG stands for Drug Court Discretionary Grant (justice system; various locations) DCDG stands for Danish Contact Dermatitis Group DCDG stands for Dimethylamino-Cyclohexoxyl-Dimethyl Gallium (antimalarial drug)


DCDR stands for Downpatrick & County Down Railway (Northern Ireland, UK) DCDR stands for Division Commander DCDR stands for Danish Centre for Design Research (Denmark) DCDR stands for Design Critical Drawing Release DCDR stands for Data Collection and Data Relay DCDR stands for Deputy Combatant Commander (formerly DCINC, Deputy Commander in Chief)


DCECPC stands for Douglas County Early Childhood Planning Coalition (Oregon)


DCEIP stands for District of Columbia Early Intervention Program


DCFAM stands for Deputy Commissioner for Finance, Assessment and Management (US Social Security Administration)