1. DIC stands for Differential Interference Contrast
  2. DIC stands for Dictionary (File Name Extension)
  3. DIC stands for Dubai Internet City
  4. DIC stands for Dissolved Inorganic Carbon
  5. DIC stands for Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
  6. DIC stands for Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile (Italian: Department of Civil Engineering)
  7. DIC stands for Dubai Industrial City (United Arab Emirates)
  8. DIC stands for Division d’Infanterie Coloniale (French: Colonial Infantry Division)
  9. DIC stands for Driver Information Center
  10. DIC stands for Denver Indian Center (Denver, CO)
  11. DIC stands for Deposit Insurance Corporation (various countries)
  12. DIC stands for Déshydratation Intracellulaire (French: Intracellular Dehydration)
  13. DIC stands for Détente Instantanée Contrôlée (French: Controlled Instantaneous Relaxation)
  14. DIC stands for Dialogue inter Congolais (politics; Democratic Republic of the Congo)
  15. DIC stands for Dependency & Indemnity Compensation
  16. DIC stands for Difference in Conditions (insurance)
  17. DIC stands for Divestiture Implementation Committee (Ghana)
  18. DIC stands for Drug Information Center (various universities)
  19. DIC stands for Diamond Information Center
  20. DIC stands for Deputy Incident Commander
  21. DIC stands for Dubai International Capital Llc
  22. DIC stands for Drop-in-Center
  23. DIC stands for Dainippon Ink and Chemicals, Inc.
  24. DIC stands for Director in Charge
  25. DIC stands for Diploma of Imperial College (London UK)
  26. DIC stands for Disponibilité, Intégrité, Confidentialité (French: Availability, Integrity, Confidentiality)
  27. DIC stands for Drop in Centre
  28. DIC stands for Direct Inverse Control
  29. DIC stands for District Industries Center (India)
  30. DIC stands for Do I Care?
  31. DIC stands for Diisopropylcarbodiimide
  32. DIC stands for Deterministic Interference Channel
  33. DIC stands for Dépannage Installation Conseil (French: Troubleshooting Installation Council)
  34. DIC stands for Defence Industry Committee (various locations)
  35. DIC stands for Document Identifier Code
  36. DIC stands for Drunkards in Combat
  37. DIC stands for Death Is Coming
  38. DIC stands for Drunk in Charge
  39. DIC stands for Died in Captivity
  40. DIC stands for Department of Immigration and Citizenship (Australia)
  41. DIC stands for Driver Improvement Course
  42. DIC stands for Deerbrook Insurance Company (Allstate)
  43. DIC stands for Dumas Isolation Cloisons (French: Dumas Isolation Partitions)
  44. DIC stands for Dirección de Investigación Criminal (Criminal Investigation Division, Honduras)
  45. DIC stands for Diagnostic Imaging Center
  46. DIC stands for Droit a l’Image Collective (French: Right to Collective Image; intellectual property)
  47. DIC stands for Defense Intelligence College
  48. DIC stands for Data Integrity Check
  49. DIC stands for Dream in Code (website)
  50. DIC stands for Département d’Information et de Communication (French)
  51. DIC stands for Diffusion, Information et Communication (French)
  52. DIC stands for Dairy Industry Committee (USA)
  53. DIC stands for Deputy in Charge
  54. DIC stands for Data Insertion Converter
  55. DIC stands for Direct Interference Contrast
  56. DIC stands for Disseminated Intravascular Clot (pathology)
  57. DIC stands for Defense Industrial Cooperation
  58. DIC stands for Digital Input Channel
  59. DIC stands for Dedicated Internet Consultancy
  60. DIC stands for Data Input Check
  61. DIC stands for Deputy Installation Commander
  62. DIC stands for Direct Image Copy
  63. DIC stands for Direct Indicating Compass
  64. DIC stands for Data Input Console
  65. DIC stands for Digital Input Computer
  66. DIC stands for Downtown Intermodal Center
  67. DIC stands for Danového Identifikacního Císla (Czech: Identification Number of Payer of Value Added Tax)

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