- DIC stands for Differential Interference Contrast
- DIC stands for Dictionary (File Name Extension)
- DIC stands for Dubai Internet City
- DIC stands for Dissolved Inorganic Carbon
- DIC stands for Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
- DIC stands for Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile (Italian: Department of Civil Engineering)
- DIC stands for Dubai Industrial City (United Arab Emirates)
- DIC stands for Division d’Infanterie Coloniale (French: Colonial Infantry Division)
- DIC stands for Driver Information Center
- DIC stands for Denver Indian Center (Denver, CO)
- DIC stands for Deposit Insurance Corporation (various countries)
- DIC stands for Déshydratation Intracellulaire (French: Intracellular Dehydration)
- DIC stands for Détente Instantanée Contrôlée (French: Controlled Instantaneous Relaxation)
- DIC stands for Dialogue inter Congolais (politics; Democratic Republic of the Congo)
- DIC stands for Dependency & Indemnity Compensation
- DIC stands for Difference in Conditions (insurance)
- DIC stands for Divestiture Implementation Committee (Ghana)
- DIC stands for Drug Information Center (various universities)
- DIC stands for Diamond Information Center
- DIC stands for Deputy Incident Commander
- DIC stands for Dubai International Capital Llc
- DIC stands for Drop-in-Center
- DIC stands for Dainippon Ink and Chemicals, Inc.
- DIC stands for Director in Charge
- DIC stands for Diploma of Imperial College (London UK)
- DIC stands for Disponibilité, Intégrité, Confidentialité (French: Availability, Integrity, Confidentiality)
- DIC stands for Drop in Centre
- DIC stands for Direct Inverse Control
- DIC stands for District Industries Center (India)
- DIC stands for Do I Care?
- DIC stands for Diisopropylcarbodiimide
- DIC stands for Deterministic Interference Channel
- DIC stands for Dépannage Installation Conseil (French: Troubleshooting Installation Council)
- DIC stands for Defence Industry Committee (various locations)
- DIC stands for Document Identifier Code
- DIC stands for Drunkards in Combat
- DIC stands for Death Is Coming
- DIC stands for Drunk in Charge
- DIC stands for Died in Captivity
- DIC stands for Department of Immigration and Citizenship (Australia)
- DIC stands for Driver Improvement Course
- DIC stands for Deerbrook Insurance Company (Allstate)
- DIC stands for Dumas Isolation Cloisons (French: Dumas Isolation Partitions)
- DIC stands for Dirección de Investigación Criminal (Criminal Investigation Division, Honduras)
- DIC stands for Diagnostic Imaging Center
- DIC stands for Droit a l’Image Collective (French: Right to Collective Image; intellectual property)
- DIC stands for Defense Intelligence College
- DIC stands for Data Integrity Check
- DIC stands for Dream in Code (website)
- DIC stands for Département d’Information et de Communication (French)
- DIC stands for Diffusion, Information et Communication (French)
- DIC stands for Dairy Industry Committee (USA)
- DIC stands for Deputy in Charge
- DIC stands for Data Insertion Converter
- DIC stands for Direct Interference Contrast
- DIC stands for Disseminated Intravascular Clot (pathology)
- DIC stands for Defense Industrial Cooperation
- DIC stands for Digital Input Channel
- DIC stands for Dedicated Internet Consultancy
- DIC stands for Data Input Check
- DIC stands for Deputy Installation Commander
- DIC stands for Direct Image Copy
- DIC stands for Direct Indicating Compass
- DIC stands for Data Input Console
- DIC stands for Digital Input Computer
- DIC stands for Downtown Intermodal Center
- DIC stands for Danového Identifikacního Císla (Czech: Identification Number of Payer of Value Added Tax)