1. ACIC stands for Arkansas Crime Information Center
  2. ACIC stands for Aeronautical Chart and Information Center (military aviation support organization)
  3. ACIC stands for Association of California Insurance Companies (Sacramento, CA)
  4. ACIC stands for American Contractors Indemnity Company (surety; California)
  5. ACIC stands for Association Congolaise des Ingénieurs Civils (French: Congolaise Association of Civil Engineers)
  6. ACIC stands for Army Counterintelligence Center
  7. ACIC stands for Anglican Coalition in Canada
  8. ACIC stands for Agricultural Conservation Innovation Center
  9. ACIC stands for Arizona Crime Information Center
  10. ACIC stands for Academic and Career Information Center
  11. ACIC stands for Anglican Church International Communion
  12. ACIC stands for Aeronautical Chart & Information Center
  13. ACIC stands for All Canadian Investment Corporation
  14. ACIC stands for Automated Combat Information System
  15. ACIC stands for American Collegiate Intramural Championships (Campus Concepts)
  16. ACIC stands for Aerospace Defense Command Current Intelligence Center
  17. ACIC stands for Automated Combat Intelligence Center
  18. ACIC stands for Automatic Combat Intelligence Center
  19. ACIC stands for Armoured Control & Instrument Cable
  20. ACIC stands for Automatic Computation for Information and Control (Mons, Belgium)

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