1. ACES stands for Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
  2. ACES stands for Allegheny Crisis Emergency Services (Pennsylvania)
  3. ACES stands for Alabama Cooperative Extension System
  4. ACES stands for Association of Civil Engineering Students (Philippines)
  5. ACES stands for Aspen Center for Environmental Studies (Colorado)
  6. ACES stands for Access Certificates for Electronic Services
  7. ACES stands for American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009
  8. ACES stands for Australian Centre for Educational Studies
  9. ACES stands for Area Cooperative Educational Services (Connecticut)
  10. ACES stands for Arab Center for Engineering Studies (various locations)
  11. ACES stands for Army Continuing Education System (US Army)
  12. ACES stands for Association for Counselor Education and Supervision
  13. ACES stands for American Copy Editors Society
  14. ACES stands for Association for Children for Enforcement of Support
  15. ACES stands for Asia Cellular Satellite
  16. ACES stands for Army Corps of Engineers Seattle (Seattle, WA)
  17. ACES stands for Automated Commerce Employment System
  18. ACES stands for Alabama Cooperative Extension Service
  19. ACES stands for Aerolíneas Centrales de Colombia (Airline, Colombia)
  20. ACES stands for Architectures and Compilers for Embedded Systems (various organizations)
  21. ACES stands for All Children Exercising Simultaneously
  22. ACES stands for Accounting Enrichment Society
  23. ACES stands for Advanced Computer Engineering Services (various organizations)
  24. ACES stands for American College of Eye Surgeons
  25. ACES stands for Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space
  26. ACES stands for Aftermarket Catalog Enhanced Standard
  27. ACES stands for Adult and Community Education Service (UK)
  28. ACES stands for Adult Continuing Education Students (various organizations)
  29. ACES stands for Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society
  30. ACES stands for Army Center of Excellence, Subsistence
  31. ACES stands for Altus Cumulus Electrification Study
  32. ACES stands for Automated Client Eligibility System
  33. ACES stands for Automated Civil Engineering System
  34. ACES stands for N-2-Acetamido-2-Aminoethanesulfonic Acid
  35. ACES stands for Automated Civil Engineer System (USAF Civil Engineer squadrons)
  36. ACES stands for Advanced Concept Ejection Seat
  37. ACES stands for Airspace Concept Evaluation System
  38. ACES stands for Acoustic Containerless Experiment System
  39. ACES stands for Ada Compiler Evaluation System
  40. ACES stands for Automated Coastal Engineering System
  41. ACES stands for Agency Consolidated End-User Service (program; US NASA)
  42. ACES stands for American Consortium on EU Studies (Washington, DC)
  43. ACES stands for Aviation Cost Evaluation System (US Navy)
  44. ACES stands for Advanced Computerized Execution System (NASD)
  45. ACES stands for Arrow Continuation Experiments
  46. ACES stands for Automated Continuing Evaluation System (Department of Defense)
  47. ACES stands for Alliance for Children’s Early Success (est. 2004)
  48. ACES stands for Alberta Clinical Engineering Society
  49. ACES stands for Automated Computer Examination System
  50. ACES stands for Automated Concurrent Engineering Software
  51. ACES stands for Automated Communications Engineering Software
  52. ACES stands for Adaptation Controlled Environment System
  53. ACES stands for Advanced Countermeasures Electronic System (defense product)
  54. ACES stands for Atlantic Congress of Engineering Students
  55. ACES stands for Automated Cargo Expediting System
  56. ACES stands for Administrative Corporate Education System
  57. ACES stands for Any Club Except Seattle (soccer fan group)
  58. ACES stands for Asian Commerce and Economics Studies Centre
  59. ACES stands for Anything Can Equal Success
  60. ACES stands for Airborne Collection Electronic Signals
  61. ACES stands for Access Control/Entry System
  62. ACES stands for Anisotropic Crystalline Etching Simulation
  63. ACES stands for Air Combat Engagement Simulator
  64. ACES stands for Advanced Crew Escape System
  65. ACES stands for Automated Command and Control Evaluation System
  66. ACES stands for Associated Computer Enthusiast Society (California)
  67. ACES stands for Adolescent Coping Education Series
  68. ACES stands for Activity Calendar and Event Scheduler (Georgia Civil Air Patrol)
  69. ACES stands for After Care Education for Students
  70. ACES stands for Agency Communication Exchange System (Ancor/AT&T)
  71. ACES stands for Air Cushion Enhanced Ship
  72. ACES stands for Automatic Control Electronic Switching
  73. ACES stands for Automated Cost Evaluation System (DoD)
  74. ACES stands for Aircraft Carrier Engineering Services
  75. ACES stands for Access Control and Environmental System
  76. ACES stands for Advanced Compact Earth Station (GTE Spacenet)
  77. ACES stands for Army Communication Encryption System
  78. ACES stands for Army Consolidated Enterprise Solution
  79. ACES stands for Annual Cycle Energy Storage System
  80. ACES stands for Accuracy Evaluation System
  81. ACES stands for Active Capable Expandable Surveillance
  82. ACES stands for Aircraft Carrier Engineering Study
  83. ACES stands for Aerial Combat Engagement Simulator
  84. ACES stands for Automatic Computer Equipment Specialist
  85. ACES stands for Automated C2 Evaluation System
  86. ACES stands for Army Casualty Estimation Study
  87. ACES stands for Army Communications Engineering Software (US Army)
  88. ACES stands for Access Control Enrollment Station
  89. ACES stands for Automatic Checkout & Evaluation System
  90. ACES stands for Adolescent Clinical Education Service
  91. ACES stands for Association of Chartered Estates Surveyors (UK)

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