New Traditional Buddhist Wedding Vows

Buddhist Wedding Vow Examples

Buddhist Wedding Vows Examples:  Buddhist weddings are a type of religious marriage ceremony. In Buddhist teachings, marriage is viewed as “the equal commitment to the happiness of your partner, toward their awakening.” Moreover, marriage is described as a practice ground for serving others. Through service and facing challenges, we develop our inner potential, which is the focus of Buddhism.

Buddhist customs give the couple freedom to personalize their ceremony and plan according to what is best for them. In a typical Buddhist wedding vow, the couple pledges to a greater Truth. There is a focus on self-improvement, enlightenment, and compassion toward oneself, each other, and everyone in general.

The vows used in a Buddhist wedding can be traditional or personally written by the bride and groom. Where couples have the freedom to decide the aspects they want to include in their individual vows. Also, couples can either recite their vows or opt to silently read them together. In this post are examples of Buddhist Modern/Traditional Wedding Vows to guide you when writing your own marriage vows for you partner.

The Buddhist wedding vows typically consist of three elements:

Prayer and meditation → Buddhist wedding ceremonies usually start with meditation or a prayer to Buddha. Through prayer or meditation, a person’s inner Buddha nature is awakened.
Individual vows → wedding vows contain one person’s promises to their partner as they enter their new life together. The typical length of an individual vow ranges from 30 seconds to three minutes.
Joint vows → the officiant or celebrant will recite a few promises, to which the couple will respond, “We do,” together. Like spiritual wedding vows, Buddhist joint vows deal with the soul and humanity; the couple makes a pledge to a greater Truth.

In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, the couple answers the first set of vows read by the officiant together. The vows are longer than in many other religions but create a sense of companionship as the two respond in unison. Here’s an excerpt:

Traditional Buddhist Wedding Vows

Officiant: _____ and _____ do you pledge to help each other to develop your hearts and minds, cultivating compassion, generosity, ethics, patience, enthusiasm, concentration, and wisdom as you age and undergo the various ups and downs of life and to transform them into the path of love, compassion, joy, and equanimity?

Bride/Groom: “We do.”

Officiant: Recognizing that the external conditions in life will not always be smooth and that internally your own minds and emotions will sometimes get stuck in negativity, do you pledge to see all these circumstances as a challenge to help you grow, to open your hearts, to accept yourselves, and each other; and to generate compassion for others who are suffering?

Bride/Groom: “We do.”

Officiant: Understanding that just as we are a mystery to ourselves, each other person is also a mystery to us, do you pledge to seek to understand yourselves, each other, and all living beings, to examine your own minds continually and to regard all the mysteries of life with curiosity and joy?

Bride/Groom: “We do.”

Officiant: Do you pledge to preserve and enrich your affection for each other, and to share it with all beings? To take the loving feelings you have for one another and your vision of each other’s potential and inner beauty as an example and rather than spiraling inwards and becoming self-absorbed, to radiate this love outwards to all beings?

Bride/Groom: “We do.”

Modern Buddhist Marriage Vows Sample #1

I, (name), take you, (partner’s name), to be my lawfully wedded (husband/wife/partner). I promise to stay by your side through thick and thin, tears and laughter, for richer or for poorer. I promise to consistently nurture our commitment with the love, respect, and kindness it deserves. I vow to stay faithful to you, honor you, and love you until death do us part.

Modern Buddhist Marriage Vows Example #1

As we enter this new chapter of our lives, we pledge to live by spiritual leader Thich Nhat Hanh’s wise words: “The Buddha spoke about four elements that constitute true love: the capacity to be kind and offer happiness, maitri in Sanskrit, compassion, the capacity to relieve suffering, karuna; the capacity to bring joy every day, mudita; and finally, the capacity of nondiscrimination, upeksha.

Modern Buddhist Marriage Vows Sample #2

I, (name), promise to love, honor, and respect (partner’s name) for as long as I live. I promise to always put honesty and empathy in everything I do. I promise to be kind, compassionate, and open to new perspectives. I pledge that this marriage will be built on love, trust, and mutual support. Our wedding ring is a physical manifestation of a lifelong spiritual bond between two hearts united in partnership.

Modern Buddhist Marriage Vows Example #2

When there is true love, there is nondiscrimination. The pain of the other is our own pain; the happiness of the other is our own happiness… To make our love meaningful, we need to nourish our bodhicitta, our mind of boundless love and compassion… First, we learn to love one person with all our understanding and insight; then we expand that love to embrace another person, and another, until our love is truly boundless.”

Modern Buddhist Marriage Vows Sample #3

Under the eyes of the universe, I, (name), take (partner’s name) to be my lawfully wedded partner in life. I promise to love (him/her/them) for as long as we both live wholeheartedly and unconditionally. As our relationship develops and strengthens over time, I promise to concurrently seek further self-improvement and self-actualization. I pledge to always aspire to be kind to myself, to (partner’s name), and to my neighbors, for true happiness is achieved by living virtuously and compassionately.

Modern Buddhist Marriage Vows Example #3

From this day on, we promise to constantly nourish our commitment. Through the highest of highs and lowest of lows, we pledge to be courageous, resilient, and faithful. Above all, we pledge to live a life of love — not only for ourselves and each other but also for the people around us. Moving forward, we will do our best to always treat people with kindness, patience, and ethics.
New Traditional Buddhist Wedding Vows