Arthurian Boy Names For New Born With Meaning

Argentina Girl Names For New Born With Meanings

Arthurian Names For Your New Born Baby Boy: The legendary Arthurian story has many heroic names for both girls and boys. Find list of Arthurian Baby Boy Names And What they Mean.

Arthurian Baby Boy Names With Meanings

Aballach ― Father of Modron

Accalon ― Lover of Morgan le Fay

Accolon ― One who is from the mother of God

Aglaral ― Brother of Percival

Aglaval ― Brother of Percival

Alixandre ― Defender of mankind. It was the name of nephew of King Mark.

Anguysh ― Father of Isolde

Antfortas ― Keeper of the grail

Arthgallo ― High honor

Auctor ― Foster father of Arthur

Awarnach ― A giant

Baldulf ― A knight

Beaumains ― One with white hands

Benoyce ― Name of a kingdom

Bernlak ― The Green Knight

Bersules ― A knight

Bicoir ― Father of Arthur

Bliant ― Healer

Boarte ― Name of Arthur’s son.

Bredbeddle ― The Green Knight

Breri ― A messenger

Cacamwri ― Servant

Cafall ― Name of Arthur’s dog

Calibom ― Name of Arthur’s sword

Calibumus ― Name of Arthur’s sword

Catterick ― Name of a battle in Arthurian legend.

Clamedeus ― Name of a king in Arthurian legend.

Corbenic ― Name of the place where the grail was kept.

Dagonet ― Another name for Arthur’s fool

Dinadan ― Tristan’s friend; a good knight who is without fear

Dodinas ― One who is a wish come true

Druas ― Murderer; one who has a desire to understand

Etterni ― a masculinized name which means lover.

Gaheris ― Sons of Lot, who was an old testament man in the bible.

Galahad ― The name of one of the Arthurian legends.

Griflet ― Bringing the great magical sword of king bake to the lake, river or any waterplane. In simple words this name means a person with a great rank.

Hoel ― father of Isolde

Lamoroch ― An Arthurian legend, brother of Percival

Lancelet ― A servant of royal family, an Arthurian Knight

Mordrain ― King of the seas, Name of an Arthurian king

Mordrains ― The one who is ruler of the sea

Mordred ― an uncertain person, nephew of King Arthur

Mordret ― The one who hit hard

Nascien ― Who is bound to an oath

Nentres ― The name of the ruler.

Owaine ― A young person who is noble-born

Pant ― It means hollow; the father of Lancelot

Pedivere ― One who returned Excalibur to lake lady

Pellam ― A person who is the father of Pelles

Pelleas ― Name of a fisher King

Phelot ― An intelligent and generous person

Trosta ― A tumult or an outcry; Knight

Arthurian Boy Names For New Born With Meaning