- ACHP stands for Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
- ACHP stands for Association of Certified Handyman Professionals (Maitland, FL)
- ACHP stands for Alliance of Community Health Plans
- ACHP stands for Association Contre le Harcèlement Professionnel
- ACHP stands for Atelier de Construction Hydraulique de Picardie (French: Picardy Construction Hydraulics Workshop)
- ACHP stands for Australian Centre for Health Promotion
- ACHP stands for Alaska Craftsman Home Program, Inc.
- ACHP stands for Academy of Correctional Health Professionals
- ACHP stands for Acheiropodia
- ACHP stands for Adult Care Home Program
- ACHP stands for Alternative and Complementary Health Practices
- ACHP stands for Army Chaplain
- ACHP stands for Association of Chiron Psychotherapists
- ACHP stands for Advisory Committee for the Health Professions
- ACHP stands for Acheiropody
- ACHP stands for Affiliated Community Healthcare Physicians
- ACHP stands for Alaska Concealed Handgun Permit
- ACHP stands for Air Conditioning Heat Pump
- ACHP stands for Anacostia Congress Heights Partnership
- ACHP stands for Academy of Health Care Professions
- ACHP stands for Advisory Committee on Highway Policy
- ACHP stands for Association Canadienne d’Hygiène Publique
- ACHP stands for Association Canadienne des Hôpitaux Pédiatriques
- ACHP stands for Accessible Customized Homes Program (Lansing, MI, USA)
- ACHP stands for Actionari si Comenzi Hidraulice si Pneumaice
- ACHP stands for Association of Complimentary Health Practitioners of Zimbabwe
- ACHP stands for Atlantic Canada Home Program
- ACHP stands for Association of Certified Hiring Professionals
- ACHP stands for African Cultural Heritage Project
- ACHP stands for Alice County Highway Patrol