Tribute To My Late Aunt

Tribute To aunt Who Passed Away

Honoring your beloved aunt with her own memorial: Death hits differently when you lose someone dear to you like an aunt who probably played an important role in your life. There is no specific pattern or way to cope with the realities of death. So, when you write an eulogy for your late aunt, you want to make it personal and a tribute to the relationship the two of you had. It’s easy to convey how special she was to you when you speak from your heart. Let the samples of how to write tribute in the memory of my favorite Aunt who died inspire you.

Tribute To My Special Aunt Who Passed Away

My aunt, my friend! For me, there can never be another aunt, let alone an aunt who doubles as a friend. Somewhere in my forties, our closeness erased the twenty-year age difference between my aunt and me. Our relationship seemed more like a friendship among peers. I still called her aunt and she still referred to me as her niece, but we talked like girlfriends about life past and present, about men and morals, about children and celebrations, about faith and the future.
The older we grew, the better friends we became. She introduced me to the Eleanor Roosevelt quote comparing a woman and a tea bag. “A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it’s in hot water”.
It was her contribution to a newsletter I published for women; and in our later conversations I discovered how true that statement was in her life. She shared her stories about her personal struggles and setbacks. She credited her strength and her survival to her faith in God, and His favor in her life. Goodbye Aunt!

Tribute To My Aunt Who Died After Illness

Tribute To My Dearest Aunt Who Succumbed To Cancer

It is hard to say goodbye to a very important person in my life. My Aunt passed away two weeks ago, after a very difficult battle with cancer. She shared everything her favorite books, food, money, time, music, movies and TV shows with her siblings, friends, nephew and nieces.
She was such a kind soul and saying goodbye is really heartbreaking. Aunt i doubt if we will ever be able to get over the pain of your death. Tears would not let me pen down how amazing you were.. All I can say is we are heart broken, but we take solace in the fact that we know you are in a better place, free from sickness and pain.
Goodbye darling Aunt.. We miss you!

Tribute To Aunt Who Passed Away From Cancer

(Insert Name), it is hard to believe that the angels have packed you home at a time we least expected. We hardly take in the fact that your sudden demise has unexpectedly terminated the moments we enjoyed with you. I do wonder if we will ever find anyone to take your place! You left a hollow no one can ever fill halfway.(Insert Name), as we always referred you; you are a beautiful flower plucked from the flower bed to be a sweet-smelling savor in the presence of your maker. But it is hard to come into terms with the fact that we will never hear from you again. Sweet memories fill me anytime I remember the advice you found pleasure in sharing with us and will forever be cherished. We found consolation in you whenever we got downhearted. Your benevolent smile lifted our hearts anytime you were near us. It’s gone now! Never to comes back, oh. How sad I feel until now! You had a healing voice, which was ever heard in your favorite song, “Keep on the sunny side of life.” The glow in your eyes always sent encouragement to far and wide. Everyone admired your wisdom in solving complex issues any time we sought your input. You were a role model, and now we can proudly say that you left footprints in the sands of time. Auntie, you were calm even when a situation seemed unbearable. Admittedly, we have lost a precious jewel; if death were stoppable, we would have kept it from coming your way.

(Insert Name), you always worked hard, and I believe it is the reason why you were able to raise our cousins as a single mother. Anytime we came visiting your place; we could see you wake early in the morning and report to work to ensure there were food and upkeep for your family at all times.

Auntie, we looked forward to moments when mom would tell us that we were to visit you because we were sure of a delicious meal. The innumerable times sneaked from home to your house to come and say hi are some of the nostalgic moments we cherish. The adventures and hiking we always had whenever we visited your place linger in our minds. Best of all is the instance where we had to pull you up the mountain by the hand to help you get to the peak.

Fare thee well (Insert Name), You fought a good fight and won the race. You left a legacy that will be read through the generations, current and to come. You left a mark in our hearts, and nothing will ever erase. It is indelible in our hearts.

Surely auntie, our love for you will forever remain.

Tribute To Aunt Who Died

I am honored to say a few words about my Aunt (insert name). She was a cheerful, fun-loving lady who was full of life. Her smile could light up a room and it was infectious. She made everyone around her happy. Whether it was a funny joke, her positive attitude, or her big smile, she was a delight to be around. As a child I remember visiting my aunt almost every weekend. My mother and her sister were very close, which meant we got to spend a lot of time with my cousin, aunt and uncle. My aunt was a kid at heart and loved to play with my cousin and I. I remember games of hide and seek in her yard, or playing with my cousin’s large collection of toys. As I got older my aunt always made an effort to stay involved in my life. She was there at my university graduation, was at my wedding and was one of the first people to visit me when my son was born. I really appreciated how much she cared and knew I could always count on her for anything I needed.My aunt taught my cousin and I a lot of valuable skills over the years. She was an incredible cook and gardener. She taught us how to grow our own vegetables and how important organic foods were. She always had a new recipe for us to try and we knew that if she was recommending it that it would taste incredible.

When my aunt was diagnosed with cancer it was a very difficult time for our entire family. Aunt (insert name) was such a positive and strong lady she never acted down. She was always encouraging us to cheer up and showing us the positives. I spent a lot of time looking after her, as her disease got worse. I was happy to do whatever I could, because no matter how much I helped her I felt like it was nothing compared to everything she did for me over the years.

I will miss my aunt’s smile and positive attitude. She was an incredible sister, mother, wife and aunt. She will be missed by a lot of people here today. I wish you peace and will always love you. Adieu Aunt!

It’s hard to put into words how I feel about Aunt (Insert Name)’s passing. Of course the natural emotions of loss and nostalgia pure over me, but there’s something else. A strange sense of frustration as I try to bring to mind her facial expressions, her voice and most of all her personality. We were robbed of all or most of that years ago as (insert health problem) her body. How can we not feel a sense of unfairness? The utter waste, as each year more of (Insert Name) disappeared. I can’t help wondering why it is that some are snapped up in an instant. They’re here one moment and then their gone. Why others linger, trapped in a body that no longer serves their soul, and we mourn each lost faculty, one heartbreaking moment at a time.You won’t hear me reciting familiar, age old Psalms about comfort and peace. I won’t justify it all with a simple, God works in mysterious ways or she’s in a better place. Not because I don’t feel those things, I do. As a matter of fact I envision (Insert Name) painting, moving her brush across the canvas of the sky, tilting the light between the leaves just right. I feel her warmth in the sun on my face, the squeeze of her hand as I caress my grandchild as he sleeps.

I don’t have any answers. Any more than I understand the suffering around the world and how a loving God could stand by, let alone watch. I’m saddened by the greed and pride that wreak havoc on our world. It’s easy to feel despondent, lost upon the sea, as others yell their judgments, calling unbelievers sinners and puff themselves with pride that they have all the answers.

But I don’t need any simple answers. I don’t need to understand all the mysteries of why some are born with sight and others never see. I’m content with what I know. Which isn’t very much.

When I think of my Aunt (Insert Name), I think of light. How her life, however stifled it appeared, still brought joy to those around her. She may not have been famous or discovered something new, but her energy of spirit drove all that’s right about this world.

So when I’m sad or frustrated I can think of my Aunt (Insert Name) who always made me feel so special, like a little princess in her care. I remember sitting still in a chair as she gently brushed my hair and pinned it up. She whispered in my ear how fun it was to have a girl since my cousins were all boys. I remember visited Aunt (Insert Name)’s town, I popped into their church service and surprised them. She introduced me proudly, beaming ear to ear. I’ve never forgotten her artist eyes, always bright and open wide as if she didn’t want to miss a moment of the beauty of this world. There was an energy within her, a light that never waned. She gifted that to us, to all of us that knew her. I’m proud to carry a small part within my heart.
(Insert Name)’s been on my mind for the last few months and I regret not reaching out, there was something I was sensing, a kind of soul connection. I hope someday, when I feel those tugs of spiritual communion, I’ll be more inclined to act. I want so badly for her to know how much her life meant to me.

There is something I can do. I’ll bring more joy to those around me, help them see the beauty that she saw. Because when all this earth has passed away—all we really have are our connections to each other—they’re what matter in the end. Adieu Aunt!

Short Tribute To A Special Aunt

My aunt was a great woman. a wonderful intellect, a great soul of matchless courage, one of the great women of the earth — and yet we have no right to bow down to her memory simply because she was great. A lot Great minds often use their gifts for a most unholy cause. But you my beloved aunt as a great woman made a huge difference. We meet to pay a tribute of love and respect to my beloved aunt because she used her matchless power and great gifts for the good of mankind. Adieu Aunt! You are greatly missed.

Tribute Poem In Loving Memory My Aunt

I really do not know
where to start…..
The day you left
it broke my heart.

Not just a crack
it broke into two…
Filled with love
just for you.

That love’s not gone
is kept safe inside…
But when you left
part of me died.

I want to remember
the bond we share…
But the pain in my heart
is so hard to bear.

I miss you so much
and more, every day…
And love you much more
than words could ever say.

Tribute To Aunt In Heaven

Although you sleep in heaven now
You’re not that far away
My heart is full of memories
And you’re with me every day
You lived your life with meaning
And with a smile upon your face
A world that was full of happiness
Is now an empty place
People say that only time
Will heal a broken heart
But just like me and you
It has been torn apart
I know you are at peace now
And in a place where you are free
Meet me at the Pearly Gates
When Heaven calls for me
Tribute To My Late Aunt