Wedding Vows For Him That Make You Cry

Wedding Vows For Him That Make You Cry

Wedding vows are solemn promises pledged between a bride and a groom on their marriage ceremony. They provide the contractual (both formal and informal) basis that will guide the newlyweds through their shared life together and set the tone for what is to come.

If you have decided to write your own wedding vows, but have no idea how you will impress your partner with vows that come from the heart,  we’ve gathered the best wedding vow examples from real couples and real weddings specifically designed for him to inspire you. Each of these beautiful vow examples have their own unique feel and tone that can make your groom shed one or two tears. You can choose the best words for your wedding and rephrase it as you wish. Happy Married Life Ahead!

Short Wedding Vows for Him

  • I love you without fear, without hesitation, and promise to support you, encourage you, and cherish you as your wife.
  • As your wife, I am yours, I pledge my heart and soul to you and you alone.
  • I’m so proud that today I become your wife. I love you.
  • I promise to be a nurturing wife, compassionate companion, and to always be on your side, always.
  • Live with me, laugh with me, love with me, and I will be your devoted wife forevermore.
  • I take you as my husband and promise to be true to you.
  • Marriage is a symphony of grace orchestrated by almighty God, reflecting His love to mankind.
  • I pledge to honor you, love you and cherish you as my husband today and every day.
  • You are loved more than any metaphor can ever try to express – my love, my husband.
  • My life is forever entangled with yours from this day on. My dreams are your dreams, and I’ll build it all around you.

Unique Wedding Vows For Him

  • Forever with you simply will not be enough, but from this day forward, I vow to make the most of every moment.
  • With this ring I promise you that you’ll never have to face the world alone.
  • I love you more fiercely with every second that slips through our hands. With you, I can make the most of my days.
  • The ring is a symbol of our unity – an eternal unbroken circle and it embodies my promise that wherever I may go, I will always return to you, my husband.
  • I take you as my husband for now and forever more, without any reservation, I give myself freely and with conviction that we will live out our days in wedded bliss.
  • May the ring I give you today remind you all our days of this wonderful moment – and the love we feel for each other that will last all time.
  • I vow to need you – to say goodnight, to kiss me on the eyelids, to have and adore even when you feel down. At any time, in any place I want only to be by your side.
  • You are my love, and my guide, a true partner, a man that I will love, hold close, honor, kiss, and cry with for all the days of my life.
  • I take you as my husband, and pledge a vow of honesty and fidelity. It is one I give willingly, easily, gracefully, at this moment and for our whole lives.
  • Wherever our journey leads us, I promise to walk with you arm in arm, hand in hand, to hold you as your wife and to learn from you, love you, and surprise you, forever.

Wedding Vows For Him From The Heart

  • I choose you and promise to choose you as my husband every day we wake. I will love you in word and deed. I will laugh with you, cry with you, scream with you, grow with you, and craft with you. To be your kin and your partner in all of life’s adventures is all I could hope for in the world. Loving what I know of you and trusting what I don’t yet know, I give you my hand. I give you my love. I give you myself, the good, the bad, and the yet to come.
  • You love me in love and complete me in ways I never knew possible. From this day forth, I promise to listen to you and learn from you, to support you and accept your support. I will celebrate your successes and mourn your losses as though they were my own. I will love you, my husband, and rejoice in your love for me for all of the years of our lives.
  • Today, surrounded by all of your loved ones, I choose you to be my husband. I am proud to be your wife and to join my life with yours. I vow to support you, inspire you, and love you always. For as long as we both shall live, I will be by your side–for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer. You are my one and only today and every day.
  • How lucky am I to call you mine? Your love and trust makes me a better person, each and every day. For all those times that we’ve been together, there’s always been a mutual understanding that’s only shared when two people love each other truly. You were there for my greatest challenges. You encouraged me to grow. You helped believe in myself and become the person that I am today. In your arms and by your side, I know I can do anything. I’m proud to call you my husband.
  • I’m madly in love with you, my husband. Not only do I promise that my love for you will grow with each day, but I promise to be your friend and partner every step of the way. I will be there for you, day or night, in richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. I trust, appreciate, cherish, and respect you. I promise to share with you my hopes and dreams as we build our lives together. You, my love, are my everything.
  • My husband, I invite you to share my life. You are the most loving, clever, and kind individual I have ever known, and I promise to always be in your corner. Together, I know we can do anything. I can’t wait to work hand in hand to build a beautiful life together.
  • Give me your bad hair days, your long commutes, your burnt coffee, and lost keys. Give me your everyday, and I will give you my love to make it alright.
  • Today, I promise to be your navigator and sidekick in all of life’s adventures. I promise to be your best friend and your husband. I promise you myself completely.
  • When I am with you everything else fades to the background. You flood my senses with joy. You are my life, my greatest gift. I’m so lucky to call you my loving wife.
  • Today I join my life to yours, not simply as your husband, but as your friend, your lover, and your biggest supporter. Let me be the shoulder you lean on and the companion of your life.
  • I promise to be there to catch you if you should stumble, carry you over every threshold, and fall in love with you every day.
  • I pledge today to have all the patience and passion that love demands. In the laughter and in the silence, I’ll be forever by your side.
  • I take you as mine, knowing and loving all of your strengths and faults, just as I offer myself to you as yours with all of my strengths and faults. I will be there for you in your times in need, just as I know I can turn to you when I need a guiding hand.
  • You’re everything that I ever dreamed of and everything I will ever need. Our love for each other is heaven sent. Today I vow to be here with you and for you, forever and always.

Touching Wedding Vows For Him

  • I vow to be your biggest fan and partner in crime.
    I promise to support a family with you in a home filled with patience, love and understanding.
    I vow to grow old with you.
    I will love you faithfully and unconditionally through difficult and easy times.
    What may come, I promise to always be there with love.
    As I have given my life to you.
  • “Today, ______, I join my life to yours, not only as your husband, but as your friend, your lover, and your confidant. Let me be the shoulder you lean on, the rock on which you rest, the companion of your life. With you, I will walk my path from this day forward.”
  • I promise to love, respect, protect and trust you, and give you the best of myself, for I know that together we will build a life far better than either of us could imagine alone.
  • I choose you. I’ll choose you over and over and over, without pause, without doubt, I’ll keep choosing you.
  • I used to never truly enjoy moments because I was always waiting for what’s next. The next thing to happen. Kind of living life in fast forward. Now that I have you, I enjoy the moment. Every moment.
  • Today seems like it’s the start of a new journey, but I already belong to you. Falling for you wasn’t falling at all—it was walking into a house and knowing you’re home. I love you.”
  • I am so happy to be able to tell you – I do, I will, and I always will. Whatever I have is yours.
  • I promise faithfulness and patience, respect and lightheartedness, attentiveness and self-improvement.
    I will celebrate your triumphs, and love you all the more for your failures.

Funny Wedding Vows For Him

  • “I promise to be your navigator, consoler, sidekick, best friend, and husband. And last, I promise you myself.”
  • I promise to be there to catch you if you should stumble, carry you over every threshold, and fall in love with you every day.
  • “I vow to listen, for as long as it takes for you to feel heard.
    I vow to watch in awe as you kick ass and take names
    And I vow to be your unrelenting cheer squad on the days it feels too much
    I vow that I will love you.”
Wedding Vows For Him That Make You Cry