Saxon Girl Names With Meanings

Bretons Baby Girl Names With Meanings

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List of Saxon Names for Baby Girls with Meanings

Aeditha ― The war or riches and blessed

Aesca ― A girl from the ash tree

Aescby ― One who lives by the ash tree

Aescla ― One who is from the ash tree farm

Aescleah ― The forest of ash tree

Aesclin ― One who belongs to the farm of ash tree

Gedla ― One who belongs to the place called Gedling

Mildgyth ― A tender gift, a small one

Mildoina ― A mild power of someone

Mildraed ― Someone of little strength

Mildred ― A mild strength person

Mildryth ― A person of gentle strength

Selewine ― A friend of rock, who befriended a rock

Tateleigh ― A glad or cheerful person of the woods

Saxon Girl Names With Meanings