Sample Racial Discrimination Complaint Letter

Letter to HR for Racial Discrimination – Racial Discrimination Complaint Letter Sample: Have you been discriminated against at work or school base on your skin colour, or racial or ethnic origin? Perhaps a manager/co-worker or course/school mate has discriminated against you. Or, a supervisor/teacher has yelled racial epithets at you.

For example, a woman of colour may experience discrimination in the workplace differently from a white female co-worker. She may be harassed, paid less, evaluated more harshly, or passed over for promotion because of the combination of her gender and her race.

If you have experienced racial discrimination in the workplace, you will need to send a letter to your human resources department to notify them. Here is a racial discrimination sample letter to guide you in filing a complaint.

Racial Discrimination Complaint Letter

The HR Manager,
______________, [department’s name]
______________ [company’ name]

Date: ______________

Subject: Complaint for racial discrimination

Respected Sir/ Madam,

My name is ______________ [your name] and I am working in ____________ [your department] in your reputed company as a ___________ [your designation].

I write this letter to present the situation that I am going through at our office. Respected, the colleagues I am working with are not coping with me and I am being bullied due to the racial difference. I keep getting mocked by them on the basis of race. The employees make me feel that I belong to a poor race and I have to face racial discrimination. _______________ [give details of your situation]. This affects my concentration to work and is also causing stress in my daily life.

I request you to kindly look into the same and consider taking strict action in this regard.

Yours truly,
__________ [signature],
__________ [your name],
__________ [employee ID number]

Complaint Letter of Racial Discrimination At Workplace


____________________ Writer’s Name
____________________ Writer’s Address

Date: ____________________


____________________ Receiver Name
____________________ Job Designation
____________________ Department name

Subject: Racial Discrimination At Work

Dear Manager / Supervisor / Human Resources Officer:

Please allow this letter to serve as a formal complaint of discrimination I experienced while at work. I hold a position of ____________ at the company.  My complaint of discrimination includes the following:

On __________________[enter date in full] my supervisor Mr. ____________________ [enter name] told me that I should call him a master just like my parents called their boss.

I would request that you investigate my allegations and take appropriate action to stop it or remedy it. Should there be any question on this, I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you so we could discuss this situation and how it can be addressed.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

____________________ Writer’s Signature…
____________________ Writer’s Name

Racial Discrimination Complaint Letter Sample


____________________ Writer’s Name
____________________ Writer’s Address

Date: ____________________


____________________ Receiver Name
____________________ Job Designation
____________________ Department name

Subject: Racial Discrimination At Work

I am employed as a ____________________[ enter job role] worker within your company. This is a formal complaint of racial discrimination in the workplace that I have been subjected to, and this is my request that you investigate my allegations and take appropriate action to remedy it and stop it. The harasser is my coworker, ____________________ [enter name]. The following events are among those that I consider as discrimination:

On____________________ [enter date in full], ____________________ [ name of harasser] approached me during our afternoon break while we were in the employee lounge. He told me that I was doing a fairly good job, but I needed to refer to him as my master. I told him I did not appreciate those comments and was offended. He simply laughed.

On____________________ [enter date in full], I was working my shift and ____________________ [ repeat the name of harasser] approached me in the warehouse. He told me he did not like my haircut because people of my colour didn’t wear hairstyles like that. He then said I should remember where I came from.

I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you so we can discuss this situation in person. I would like to see this matter addressed promptly and I want the harassment to stop.

Thank you for your help in this matter. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely,

____________________ Writer’s Signature…
____________________ Writer’s Name

Sample Racial Discrimination Complaint Letter