Rain And Animal Q&A Jokes

Rain And Animal Jokes

Ultimate Rainy Day Jokes: Two fish were swimming in a stream when it began to rain.
One fish said, “Quick, let’s swim under that bridge, otherwise we will get wet!”

Everyone of all ages adores jokes about animals, from classic cow jokes to grizzly bears, raining cats and dogs, take a look at these animal jokes with a funny rain twist. Enjoy!

Funny Questions And Answers Jokes About Rain & Animal

Q: What do you call a baby owl stuck in the rain?
A: A moist owlette.

Q: What’s gray, stands in a river when it rains and doesn’t get wet?
A: An elephant with an umbrella.

Q: Can bees fly in the rain?
A: Not without their yellow jackets.

Q: Can bees fly when it’s raining?
A: Not without their little yellow jackets.

Q: What’s worse than raining cats and dogs?
A: Hailing taxis.

Q: What do you call a big grizzly bear caught in the rain?
A: A really drizzly bear.

Q: What is the wettest animal at the North Pole?
A: The rain-deer.

Q: Why did the man use ketchup in the rain?
A: Because it was raining cats and hot dogs.

Q: Why do mother kangaroos hate it when it rains?
A: Because the kids have to play inside!

Q: What’s the difference between a horse and the weather?
A: One is reined up for a while and the other rains down.

Q: What do you call it when it starts to rain ducks and chickens? A: Seriously foul weather.

Q: Why do mother kangaroos hate it when the rain comes?
A: Because their kids have to play inside.

Q: What might happen when it is raining cats and dogs?
A: You might end up stepping in a poodle one day.

Q: What should you do if it starts raining cats and dogs?

A: Please seek shelters.

Q: Why do cows always lie on each other in the rain?
A: To keep each udder dry.

Rain and Animal Knock Knock Jokes, Rain and Animal Jokes For Kids, Funny Rain and Animal Questions And Answers Jokes, Rain and Animal jokes one liners, Rain and Animal Puns And Rain and Animal Jokes For Family And Friends.

Rain And Animal Q&A Jokes