Prayers For A Strong, Healthy And Loving Marriage

Prayers For Marriages

Marriage Prayers That Will Get You through the Hard Days and Celebrate the Good: Marriage is a long, twisting journey filled with unseen moments of joy and sadness, hope and heartbreak. No one knows what to expect or thought how his/her married life will be as there is no school to study marriage before embarking on the journey growing up.

You have the privilege of setting the atmosphere of your marriage and home. You may not have all the answers to the world’s problems, but you can fight against the darkness by praying. Prayer is one of your greatest weapons. When you pray together, you are focusing your minds, hearts, and marriage on God. You are making your marriage God-centered. You are sharing with Him your deepest needs and desires, hopes and dreams…together.

Find good prayers for marriages to guide you when making request or supplication to God concerning a strong and peaceful married life. So, let’s pray our way through these verses with great expectations that God will answer in ways that will breathe life and peace into our hearts and marriages.

A Prayer For Marriage

Father God, I want to be the best spouse I can be. I know there are times when I miss the mark. Please fill me with your love for my spouse. Help me to see them as you see them so I can love them as you love them. Help us to draw closer to you and to draw closer to each other.

Prayer for Healing my Marriage

Dear God,

I would like to pray for my marriage.
I would like to pray for healing in my marriage for me & my husband. That we love each other and honor each other. That we respect & love each other more each day.
In Jesus name! Amen

Prayer To Restore Marriage

Dear Lord, I pray that you restore my parents marriage. I pray that you restore my family. Help us trust in you and help us be a family of God. I pray that you help my parents love each other, be faithful to you and each other.

A Prayer For Marriage Conflict

Lord, when conflict comes into our family, I pray that you will show us how to work through it lovingly. Help us to be considerate of each other’s feelings. Reveal to us where we may have made a misstep and give us the courage to make things right. Teach us how to learn from conflict so we can grow closer to you and to each other.

Prayer for Unity In Our Marriage

Dear God, we ask that you fill us with your Spirit of live and unity. We pray for our families, for every relationship most dear to us, that you would guard our time, and our lives together. We ask for your ability to quickly forgive hurts, for a renewed heart of compassion, for love and faithfulness to be evident in every decision and action. We ask for your help to set aside our differences and help us to truly live a life of love. Amen. – Debbie McDaniel

Prayer For A Strong Bond

Father, help me and ____ to live completely devoted to serving You and Jesus. Help us have a love for you that consumes everything. Help us never cease to follow after you all the days of our lives. Help our marriage be a force for good in this world and in your Kingdom. Make our marriage a place where the lost find shelter and the light of the gospel. Help our marriage be a foretaste of the love and devotion we will experience in heaven with you.

Prayer to Listen and Love Your Spouse

Father, help me become the person who listens most intently to my spouse when he/she speaks. “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger” James 1:19. Lord, how I want that verse to characterize my life! Help me learn to reign in my tongue. Help me learn to be quick to listen and slow to respond. Help our marriage be marked with gentleness and self-control. Help us communicate in love, care and patience.

Prayer For Our Children’s Well-Being

Dear God, thank you for the children you’ve blessed me with. I pray you will watch over, protect, and keep them safe. I ask that you help them to give their lives over to you. Teach them how to follow your ways. Help them to make good friends and wise decisions. May our bond grow closer and closer together.

Prayer For The Storms Of Life

Dear God, thank you that no matter what happens TO us you are always WITH us. When storms come our way, help us to trust in you. Remind us of how you’ve proven yourself in the past. Teach us how to do the next right thing. Fill us with your peace. Give us the strength to take things one day at a time, knowing you are with us every step of the way.

Prayer against Temptations that Will Hurt Your Marriage

Help us Father, to patiently endure tests of our faith and resist temptations that could hurt our marriage. God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12 Give us your Spirit to protect and persevere us through temptations. Helps us keep you and your will for us always in our hearts and minds.

Give Us Peace In Our Busy Lives

Father God, there are some days when it feels like there is more to do than there are hours in the day. I ask that you help us not let the pace of life rob us of your peace in our life. Teach us to know when to say yes and how to say no. Keep us from letting our task list become our taskmaster. May we always remember that what matters most is our relationship with you and each other.

Prayer For Good Communication In Our Marriage

Heavenly Father, communication is so important to the health of our family. May we be thoughtful with the words we use to each other. Teach us how to express ourselves in ways that are honoring to you. Help us to have conversations that strengthen our family. Show us how to keep you at the center of our conversations each day.

A Prayer For Community

Lord, we were made for community. I pray that you will bring godly people into our lives who we can lean on for encouragement and support. Teach us how to live in an authentic community with other believers. Help us to be the hands and feet of Jesus to a world that needs you today.

Prayer During Trying Times

  • Help us, Father, to see all of our trials as opportunities to rejoice and trust in you. In your Word we read, “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.” James 1:2 That sounds so hard! Lord, help us see what that might look like in our lives. Help us have your perspective when trials come — to know that our suffering is an opportunity to depend on you and for you to show up in our lives.
  • Lord, the trials we have faced recently have stretched us and we are sore from the struggle. Give us your rest, give us your peace and we learn to endure through difficulties. We pray for perseverance and a humble heart.
  • Thank You, Father, for using trials to teach us endurance and to perfect us. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. James 1:3-4
Prayers For A Strong, Healthy And Loving Marriage