Nahuatl Girl Names With Meanings

Nature Inspired Names For Boy/Girl Baby

Beautiful Nahuatl Female Names, Nahuatl Girl Names Alphabetical, Nahuatl Female Names And Meanings and Nahuatl orthodox baby Girl names.

Cute Nahuatl Female Names And Their Meanings

Anci ― A graceful woman.

Centehua ― The only one, unique.

Chalchiuitl ― Emerald

Citlalmina ― Greatest of all the female heroes.

Coaxoch ― Serpent flower

Cocoliloc ― She is hated

Coszcatl ― Jewel

Cualli ― Good, a good natured man.

Eleuia ― Wish, one who wishes good for everyone.

Eloxochitl ― The magnolia flower.

Etalpalli ― Nahuatl word for wing.

Huemac ― Name of a Toltec king.

Ichpochton ― Little daughter

Ichtaca ― Nahuatl word for secret.

Icnoyotl ― Nahuatl word for friendship.

Ihuicatl ― Nahuatl word for sky.

Ilhuitl ― Nahuatl word for day.

Itotia ― Dance

Iuitl ― Nahuatl word for feather.

Izel ― Unique and one of a kind.

Mahuizoh ― A glorious person

Malinalxochitl ― The grass flower.

Mecatl ― Lineage

Momoztli ― The altar

Moyolehuani ― The enamored one.

Necahual ― Survivor

Papan ― Nahuatl word for flag.

Quetzalxochitl ― A precious flower

Teichuih ― The younger sister.

Teicuh ― Someone’s older sister

Teoxihuitl ― The precious stone turquoise.

Tepin ― The little one.

Teuicui ― A term used for younger sister.

Teyacapan ― A term used for first born daughter.

Tlaco ― The middle born daughter.

Tlacotl ― The Osier twig

Tlalli ― A term meaning earth.

Xochiatlapal ― Flower wing

Xoco ― Youngest sister

Yaotl ― Combatant; Soldier; Warrior; Defender; Fighter; Rival

Yaoxochitl ― Marigold or flower of the enemy

Nahuatl Girl Names With Meanings