Ancient Germanic Names For Baby Boys With Meanings

Gender-Neutral & Unisex Baby Names

Ancient Germanic Boy Names: Find the perfect name on this list for your new baby boy if you have German ancestors.

List of Ancient Germanic Names For Baby Boys With Meanings

Emmerich — it means powerful and rich.

Hard — Strong, solid, firm, not easily broken, resistant to pressure

Alfonso  — This name is Old German for “noble and ready.”

Bruno  — This German first name means “Brown’s son.”

Carl/Karl  — This variation of “Charles” means “free man” in Old German.

Conrad/Konrad  — This German name means “brave counsel.”

Christoph  — This is the German form of “Christopher” which means “Christ —bearer” in Greek.

Dietrich  — This boy’s name means “ever —powerful ruler” in German.

Emil  — This name has Latin roots and it means “eager.”

Ernst  — This Old German first name means “vigorous.”

Friedrich  — This first name was also a traditional German family name. It is a combination of the elements “Fred” which means “peace” and “ric” which means “power.”

Fritz  — This is the short form of “Frederick” or “Friedrich.” It means “peaceful ruler” in German.

Georg  — This first name for a baby boy has Greek roots and means “farmer.”

Gunther  — This is a German variation of “Gunter.” The name means “war” in Old Norse.

Hans  — This name means “the Lord is gracious” in Scandinavian.

Jakob  — This is the German form of “Jacob” and it is Hebrew for “supplanter.”

Johann  — This name is German for “God is gracious.”

Leon  — This is a traditionally German name that has Greek roots. It means “lion —hearted” in both languages.

Leopold  — This name is Old German for “bold leader.”

Lukas  — This is the German form of “Lucas” and it means “bringer of light” in both Latin and English.

Otto  — In German, this baby boy’s name means “wealthy.”

Ancient Germanic Names For Baby Boys With Meanings