
Beautiful Wedding Vows For Couple With Child

Vows to Include Child, Children or Step Children on Your Wedding Day: Children are important not only for their biological parents but for their step-parents as well. If your wedding is going to result in a blended family, it is great to mention the kids from both sides in the wedding vows with children to help solidify your bond as a family.

Adding wedding vows for children to your ceremony is a beautiful and symbolic way to include everyone as part of the event as your new family is brought together. Here’s sample wedding vows for couples with children.

Simple Wedding Vows That Includes Children

  • I, (name), take you, (name of spouse), to be my loving husband/wife. For better or worse,
    I pledge to you my heart and my life. As you have been a loving (mother/father) to (child’s name),
    now let us come together as a family – mother, father, child, together from this day on. I promise to love,
    guide, and respect (child’s name) and (spouse’s name) as long as we all shall live.
  • My love, You have already given me the two greatest gifts of my life:
    your love, and our beautiful child.
    Today, it is my honor to become your wife/husband.
    I promise to continue building our family together,
    celebrating our joy, comforting one another in hard times,
    and strengthening our family’s future.
    I vow to love and cherish you for all the days of my life.
  • As the two of us are joined on this day, we become part of each other:
    your feelings become my feelings;
    your sorrows become my sorrows;
    your joys become my joys;
    your cares become my cares,
    and your children become my children.
    With your help and guidance I promise to be a true and faithful spouse / wife / husband and parent,
    always there to comfort you, rejoice with you,
    and endure all the complexities of life that we will face together as a family.
    My love for you and your/our child/ren is pure and unshakable,
    and I hereby commit myself to all of you from this day forward

Sample Wedding Vows That Includes Children

I, (name), take you, (name of spouse), to be my loving spouse. For better or worse, I pledge to you my heart and my life. As you have been a loving (mother/father) to (children’s names), now let us come together as a family – mother, father, children, together from this day on. I promise to love, guide, and respect (children’s names) and (spouse’s name) as long as we all shall live.

Bride/Groom: I, (name), take you, (name of spouse), to be my beloved partner in life. I promise to love, honor and cherish you until the end of time. I also commit myself to (children’s names), promising to help guide you through life, during good times and bad. I promise to love and support your (mother/father) as long as we all shall live.

Children: (I/We) pledge to honor the new family, brought together on this day. (I/We) promise to respect (bride/groom’s names), for (she/he) has brought our (mother/father) much joy. (I/We) will act with respect to our (mother/father’s spouse) and will work together as a family.

Everyone: Together, we promise to love and respect the newly created (last name) family, brought together in love. Poor or rich, sick or healthy, happy or sad, we commit ourselves to each other today. Let us rejoice in the happiness we have found and be a foundation of strength to one another as we establish family ties that will not be broken.

Then the children can repeat “we do” after these words:
“And now, (children’s names) do you promise to love and respect your parent’s new husband/wife? Do you promise to support their marriage and their new family? Do you promise to accept the responsibility of being their children, and to encourage them and support them in your new life together?”

Beautiful Wedding Vows For Couple With Child
Abbreviations And Their Meaning