Gender Neutral German Baby Names for both Male and Female with Their Meanings: Finding the perfect name for your new born baby is one of the most important decisions you’ll have. If you are in search of a perfect unique Unisex German Baby Name for your bundle joy, you are in the right place. Here’s a list of German Baby Unisex Names with Meanings.
Addie ― Variation, Adela
Addler ― A eagle or a person with the quality of an eagle
Adelredus ― A red-haired noble person
Alphie ― A noble elf counsel full of promptness and enthusiasm spreading peace
Alva ― An exalted white old friend who have supremacy of an supernatural being
Alwyne ― Feminine form of Alvin meaning a magical friend filled with practicality and determination
Americus ― A royalty who is a home ruler
Amorie ― Variation of Amory; they are leader and spread love
Auberi ― Rule of an Elf; powerful and kind hearted
Carol ― A hymn or a song
Chay ― A fairy tale
Cramer ― Delightful; Exultation; Triumph; In Old german it means “salesperson”
Dolf ― Noble wolf; they are responsible and kind people
Dustan ― A brave warrior
Edelmar ― One who is famous for noble personality
Edid ― The one who has a habit of being joyful
Ehren ― A honourable and kind hearted individual
Ems ― the whole universe.
Engel ― German word for angel.
Ermengild ― immense treasure.
Erth ― a German word for earth.
Escher ― a German name for someone who lived near an ash tree or grove.
Geoffrey ― A man of peace
Gerald ― One who rules with the spear
Gerardo ― Strength
Haldis ― Teutonic – Spirit of Stone; Old Norse – Firm Helper
Jeri ― Spear ruler
Jerri ― Spear ruler
Kari ― As a female name Kari means Black haired one in Gaelic, or Nordic Free Woman. Male version of the name means Strong in French and Tremenduos in Scandinavian
Lilo ― Person who is generous and giving
Lindsai ― From the Lincoln island, an island of lime trees
Lindsay ― A person who is from the Lincoln island.
Lynde ― A gentle person
Noah ― Relaxation, restful, harmony, calm.
Morgen ― One who circles around the sea to defends it
Odell ― The one who is distressed or upset
Porsche ― An offering or a contribution
Reyne ― An European surname. Can mean: to rule, the ruling couselor, queen or rath chain
Robbey ― One who is famously acclaimed
Romy ― A person from Rome, or can also mean Rosemary
Rozlyn ― One who has the face as pretty as a rose
Saacha ― A person who helps and defends people
Schatzi ― One who is dear and valuable
Shadley ― The skull or one whith pecularity of skull
Stark ― A surname, meaning a family that is powerful and strong
Stefanie ― Crown
Stella ― Star of the sea
Theresa ― A harvester
Therese ― Harvester